
Natural catastrophes: The terrible price of technogenic accidents

Natural catastrophes: The terrible price of technogenic accidents

Daily on radio, TV and on the Internet there are messages on the new inventions, called to facilitate human life, to create to it comfortable conditions and to increase productivity of its work. But the pleasure and pride in this field is saddened by fears: where today or tomorrow on globe new technogenic accident will burst?

Five hundred Hiroshima troubles

In July, 1976 in Italy near the cities of Seveza and Honey on a chemical plant "Ikliza" have occurred explosion in which result the considerable territory has been amazed by herbicides. In short term because of explosion consequences 228 persons have died. Owing to extreme danger the Italian government has made decision to cut down all trees and to skim soils the area of 150 hectares for the purpose of liquidation of consequences of this accident.

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Chemical plant explosion in Florida, the USA

The city of Seveza was uninhabited within 16 months after tragedy. The reason of this accident is found out till now. However, if the reason is known, accident consequences will not seem less terrible.

In December of 1984 on a chemical plant in Bhopal in India there was an explosion in which result in atmosphere it has been thrown out more than 40 tons of toxic gases and phosgene. Were lost about 3 thousand persons, more than 200 thousand have received poisonings of different severity level which have carried away subsequently 20 thousand more lives.

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Consequences of explosions

The human factor became the reason of this world's largest failure: low level of the control of a condition of tanks with reagents and other infringements of safety precautions regulations, a negligence and even incompetence of the technical personnel, and also use of the out-of-date equipment.

In January, 2000 in a city of Baia-Mare in Romania at gold mining enterprise there was an emergency emission of 100 thousand tons of industrial wastes, including, heavy metals. As a result of failure in the rivers Samosh and the Yew - the largest inflow of Danube the maintenance цианидов has exceeded admissible norm almost in 800 times. A current of weight of the infected water has carried to territory of Hungary where was lost to 90 percent of animals and plants. In February of the same year the poisoned streams have reached territories of Yugoslavia. Maintenance of the population of Romania, Hungary and Serbia potable water has been broken. According to experts, so scale loss of ecology of Europe it was not put even as a result of Chernobyl accident.

Unfortunately, 2000 especially was "fruitful" on technogenic accidents. So, on May, 13th in the Dutch small town Enshed located in east part of the Netherlands, the warehouse of pyrotechnic products has blown up. As a result of the whole series of explosions more than 20 persons were lost, nearby 600 have got wounds of different severity level, 400 buildings located nearby including large brewery, have appeared completely destroyed. Rising over the smoke column was visible on distance of 50 kilometres. Besides, as a result of explosion in air the large quantity of the extremely hazardous to health asbestine dust has got. The reasons of this accident are not found out till now, and the considerable quantity of victims speaks that the pyrotechnics warehouse has been established in densely populated quarter, and inhabitants at all have not warned about presence near to their houses of such dangerous undertaking.

And in 1986 there was one of the most global accidents in Russia - on April, 26th at 1 o'clock 23 minutes on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl atomic power station there was a nuclear reactor explosion. The exit of radioactive materials was so huge, that could be compared to consequences of explosion of 500 nuclear bombs similar to those that has been dumped to Hiroshima in 1945. Radioactive Natural catastrophes it has been polluted more than 145 thousand sq. km of territory of the former USSR with the population in 6 million persons. From irradiation consequences by present time have died more than 300 thousand persons.

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It was nuclear station

However unlike chemical technogenic accidents the list of tragedies on nuclear objects is insignificant. Except failure on the Chernobyl atomic power station only chemical explosion of capacity for storage of the liquid highly radioactive waste, occurred on Uralsk radiochemical combine "Beacon" is known on September, 29th, 1957.

Ominous "gifts" from heavens

In January, 1968 the American strategic bomber В-52 on which board there were 4 hydrogen bombs, on a number of the technical reasons has been compelled to make planting in airdrome of military base of the Air Forces of the USA at northwest coast of Greenland. Attempt to plant the plane has appeared unsuccessful: the bomber has fallen and, having Natural catastrophes punched catastrophe 98 a two-metre ice layer, has sunk in a gulf Northern Star. From bomb blow have broken up, and radioactive substances containing in them have got to water. 18 persons were lost at once after failure, 500 have been irradiated. The information on this accident contained in a secret till 1970. For today it was possible to find the rests only three hydrogen bombs. From the fourth search expedition could find out only insignificant fragment.

And here one more tragedy. In January, 1986 on cape Canaveral the reusable transport spaceship of NASA "Challenger" has blown up. In 73 seconds after ship start the huge fuel block has blown up because of defects in a design of a ring sealant твердотопливного the accelerator. The ship has become depressurized, and all 7 members of its crew were lost from an asthma within several seconds.

Nightmares in kingdom Poseydon

Unlike tragedies on nuclear objects technogenic accidents on water happen very often. In March, 1978 at coast of Brittany, near the cape Finister, because of malfunctions in a steering has flown on rocks and the American tanker catastrophe adjusters needed has broken up half-and-half. During this moment onboard the tanker was about 230 thousand tons of the Iranian easy and Arabian crude oil, and also the black oil bunker. As a result of a vessel break the huge oil spillage in the size 2000 sq. km was formed. It was the largest ecological accident in Europe in which result were lost ten thousand fishes and birds.

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In March, 1989 the huge 300-metre tanker catastrophe antivirus villages on a bank at coast of Alaska. Failure has been caused by malfunctions in the steering mechanism. As a result in ocean has poured out practically 240 thousand barrels of oil. The oil spillage was stretched 3500 sq. km of water area, the large quantity of birds and sea animals was lost.

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In a picture more low as confirms the European Space Agency, an oil spillage formed as a result of collision of the tanker with other vessel. In the sea as write, has flowed out about 10 thousand tons of oil

Oil emission in territory of Persian gulf during operation "the Storm in desert" in January, 1991 became one of ominous examples of the technogenic accident caused by the military conflict. Receding from Kuwait, Iraqis have blown up about 500 oil boreholes. Their big part then blazed still half a year, poisoning with burning products huge territory. And from not catastrophe dick morris ignited boreholes oil streams flew directly to Persian gulf therefore on a water surface the oil spillage about 1600 sq. km was formed. The large quantity of birds and sea animals was lost. Pollution scales were equaled approximately to 20 emergency tankers of the big capacity.

Ecologists have sounded the alarm - the tragedy threatened to turn back ecological accident of planetary scale. 27 special commands catastrophe emergency response team from Russia, France, Canada and the USA worked on liquidation of consequences of rash actions of the Iraq military men.

According to the United Nations, technogenic accidents on a death-roll are on the third place among all kinds of acts of nature. Technical progress essentially raises risk of similar tragedies. And though each technogenic accident is in own catastrophe insurance adjusting software way unique, Whether American researcher Дэвис, the author of the directory "Man-made accidents", asserts, that the reasons at them, eventually, the general: negligence, nonsense and self-interest. To add to it, perhaps, there is nothing.

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