
Natural catastrophes: The terrible price of technogenic accidents

Natural catastrophes: The terrible price of technogenic accidents

Daily on radio, TV and on the Internet there are messages on the new inventions, called to facilitate human life, to create to it comfortable conditions and to increase productivity of its work. But the pleasure and pride in this field is saddened by fears: where today or tomorrow on globe new technogenic accident will burst?

Five hundred Hiroshima troubles

In July, 1976 in Italy near the cities of Seveza and Honey on a chemical plant "Ikliza" have occurred explosion in which result the considerable territory has been amazed by herbicides. In short term because of explosion consequences 228 persons have died. Owing to extreme danger the Italian government has made decision to cut down all trees and to skim soils the area of 150 hectares for the purpose of liquidation of consequences of this accident.

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Chemical plant explosion in Florida, the USA

The city of Seveza was uninhabited within 16 months after tragedy. The reason of this accident is found out till now. However, if the reason is known, accident consequences will not seem less terrible.

In December of 1984 on a chemical plant in Bhopal in India there was an explosion in which result in atmosphere it has been thrown out more than 40 tons of toxic gases and phosgene. Were lost about 3 thousand persons, more than 200 thousand have received poisonings of different severity level which have carried away subsequently 20 thousand more lives.

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Consequences of explosions

The human factor became the reason of this world's largest failure: low level of the control of a condition of tanks with reagents and other infringements of safety precautions regulations, a negligence and even incompetence of the technical personnel, and also use of the out-of-date equipment.

In January, 2000 in a city of Baia-Mare in Romania at gold mining enterprise there was an emergency emission of 100 thousand tons of industrial wastes, including, heavy metals. As a result of failure in the rivers Samosh and the Yew - the largest inflow of Danube the maintenance цианидов has exceeded admissible norm almost in 800 times. A current of weight of the infected water has carried to territory of Hungary where was lost to 90 percent of animals and plants. In February of the same year the poisoned streams have reached territories of Yugoslavia. Maintenance of the population of Romania, Hungary and Serbia potable water has been broken. According to experts, so scale loss of ecology of Europe it was not put even as a result of Chernobyl accident.

Unfortunately, 2000 especially was "fruitful" on technogenic accidents. So, on May, 13th in the Dutch small town Enshed located in east part of the Netherlands, the warehouse of pyrotechnic products has blown up. As a result of the whole series of explosions more than 20 persons were lost, nearby 600 have got wounds of different severity level, 400 buildings located nearby including large brewery, have appeared completely destroyed. Rising over the smoke column was visible on distance of 50 kilometres. Besides, as a result of explosion in air the large quantity of the extremely hazardous to health asbestine dust has got. The reasons of this accident are not found out till now, and the considerable quantity of victims speaks that the pyrotechnics warehouse has been established in densely populated quarter, and inhabitants at all have not warned about presence near to their houses of such dangerous undertaking.

And in 1986 there was one of the most global accidents in Russia - on April, 26th at 1 o'clock 23 minutes on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl atomic power station there was a nuclear reactor explosion. The exit of radioactive materials was so huge, that could be compared to consequences of explosion of 500 nuclear bombs similar to those that has been dumped to Hiroshima in 1945. Radioactive Natural catastrophes it has been polluted more than 145 thousand sq. km of territory of the former USSR with the population in 6 million persons. From irradiation consequences by present time have died more than 300 thousand persons.

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It was nuclear station

However unlike chemical technogenic accidents the list of tragedies on nuclear objects is insignificant. Except failure on the Chernobyl atomic power station only chemical explosion of capacity for storage of the liquid highly radioactive waste, occurred on Uralsk radiochemical combine "Beacon" is known on September, 29th, 1957.

Ominous "gifts" from heavens

In January, 1968 the American strategic bomber В-52 on which board there were 4 hydrogen bombs, on a number of the technical reasons has been compelled to make planting in airdrome of military base of the Air Forces of the USA at northwest coast of Greenland. Attempt to plant the plane has appeared unsuccessful: the bomber has fallen and, having Natural catastrophes punched catastrophe 98 a two-metre ice layer, has sunk in a gulf Northern Star. From bomb blow have broken up, and radioactive substances containing in them have got to water. 18 persons were lost at once after failure, 500 have been irradiated. The information on this accident contained in a secret till 1970. For today it was possible to find the rests only three hydrogen bombs. From the fourth search expedition could find out only insignificant fragment.

And here one more tragedy. In January, 1986 on cape Canaveral the reusable transport spaceship of NASA "Challenger" has blown up. In 73 seconds after ship start the huge fuel block has blown up because of defects in a design of a ring sealant твердотопливного the accelerator. The ship has become depressurized, and all 7 members of its crew were lost from an asthma within several seconds.

Nightmares in kingdom Poseydon

Unlike tragedies on nuclear objects technogenic accidents on water happen very often. In March, 1978 at coast of Brittany, near the cape Finister, because of malfunctions in a steering has flown on rocks and the American tanker catastrophe adjusters needed has broken up half-and-half. During this moment onboard the tanker was about 230 thousand tons of the Iranian easy and Arabian crude oil, and also the black oil bunker. As a result of a vessel break the huge oil spillage in the size 2000 sq. km was formed. It was the largest ecological accident in Europe in which result were lost ten thousand fishes and birds.

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In March, 1989 the huge 300-metre tanker catastrophe antivirus villages on a bank at coast of Alaska. Failure has been caused by malfunctions in the steering mechanism. As a result in ocean has poured out practically 240 thousand barrels of oil. The oil spillage was stretched 3500 sq. km of water area, the large quantity of birds and sea animals was lost.

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In a picture more low as confirms the European Space Agency, an oil spillage formed as a result of collision of the tanker with other vessel. In the sea as write, has flowed out about 10 thousand tons of oil

Oil emission in territory of Persian gulf during operation "the Storm in desert" in January, 1991 became one of ominous examples of the technogenic accident caused by the military conflict. Receding from Kuwait, Iraqis have blown up about 500 oil boreholes. Their big part then blazed still half a year, poisoning with burning products huge territory. And from not catastrophe dick morris ignited boreholes oil streams flew directly to Persian gulf therefore on a water surface the oil spillage about 1600 sq. km was formed. The large quantity of birds and sea animals was lost. Pollution scales were equaled approximately to 20 emergency tankers of the big capacity.

Ecologists have sounded the alarm - the tragedy threatened to turn back ecological accident of planetary scale. 27 special commands catastrophe emergency response team from Russia, France, Canada and the USA worked on liquidation of consequences of rash actions of the Iraq military men.

According to the United Nations, technogenic accidents on a death-roll are on the third place among all kinds of acts of nature. Technical progress essentially raises risk of similar tragedies. And though each technogenic accident is in own catastrophe insurance adjusting software way unique, Whether American researcher Дэвис, the author of the directory "Man-made accidents", asserts, that the reasons at them, eventually, the general: negligence, nonsense and self-interest. To add to it, perhaps, there is nothing.


Natural catastrophes: The abnormal phenomena

draw a conclusion that catastrophe antivirus there are miracles and magic. But we know a right answer.
Circumstance time develop in so freakish image catastrophe adjusters needed and form something such, that the person will-not will starts to search for an explanation in the irrational.
Thus it is not necessary to forget about subjectivity of consciousness. Often person for the lack of the full information it. And does it unconsciously. That the catastrophe 98 image has been identified - the consciousness completes him. And there can be still an intention, draw and is simple not healthy mentality. Therefore always it is possible to doubt, when eyewitnesses of one event less than three or descriptions of similar events strongly to be separated.

And, nevertheless, on the Earth I exist the whole areas where occur not clear and inexplicable from the point of view of a modern science of the phenomenon.


Natural catastrophes: Weather forecast usa: People there will be half of Earth

The expert from the USA believes, that global warming will lead to that half of populated territories of a planet becomes catastrophe insurance adjusting software unsuitable for human life

The expert from the USA believes, that global warming will lead to that half of populated territories of a planet becomes catastrophe emergency response team unsuitable for human life

Global warming can make half of all populated territories in the world unsuitable for a life, the British newspaper Guardian catastrophe dick morris quotes on Thursday the statement of the expert on change of a climate of Jelsky university (USA) Stephen Shervuda Weather forecast usa. In the report presented at the international conference on global warming, passing in Copenhagen, the expert has noticed, that in the future some regions of China, India and east coast USA become too hot in the summer that people could live there.

According to the scientist, some places become unsuitable for human life because of physiological features of its organism when catastrophe antivirus average temperatures on a planet will rise on 7 degrees on Celsius in comparison with industrial level.
Meanwhile, in the report of the Intergovernmental commission on climate change for 2007 it is noticed, that under condition of preservation catastrophe adjusters needed of present rates of growth of volumes of emissions of hotbed gases, by the end of current century the average temperature of air on the Earth will rise on 6 degrees on Celsius.
Simultaneously at the Copenhagen conference it has been declared, that these forecasts can appear underestimated as, since 2000, volumes catastrophe 98 of emissions of hotbed gases grow faster, than it was supposed weather forecast usa.

Meanwhile, experts spoke about global warming last days not only and wrote newspapers, but also British crown prince Charles spoke. As transfers channel Sky News, during a meeting with the Brazilian cake catastrophe businessmen he has declared: «I am afraid, that we worry turning point of our history. Present world recession — the worst for many years. But is even worse — threat of catastrophic changes of a climate which calls into question into survival of mankind on the Earth». And now prince Charles is going to go to tropical woods of Brazil personally to estimate a loss put by people «a planet lung».


Natural catastrophes: Flood - fiction or a reality?

The Flood for ever remained in memory of mankind. The question on its reasons throughout many centuries torments theologians, scientists and artists, continuously appealing to their imagination. One of versions belongs to the catastrophe insurance adjusting software Viennese professor of geology Alexander Tom-mannu.

The researcher has come to conclusion, that the flood has captured all planet, and according to bible definition, really was world. Critically catastrophe emergency response team having considered and having analysed together with the wife, the ethnographer on specialities, set of sources — the Bible, the epos about Гильгамеше, the Greek myths about a chariot of the Phaeton and destruction of Atlantis, the Scandinavian Edda, the Indian and Chinese myths about comets-dragons, cosmogonic legends of the Mexican and Guatemalan Indians, and also legends of inhabitants of southern Pacific islands — spouses Tollmanny have catastrophe dick morris found out set of coincidence in all products. It has allowed them to come catastrophe antivirus to conclusion — legends about collision of a comet catastrophe adjusters needed with the Earth were transferred by word of mouth throughout 300—400 generations. Thus the maintenance of myths was to such degree concrete and colourful, that on their basis it is quite possible to try to reconstruct accident.

Geologist Alexander Tollmann is well familiar with opening of the colleagues who have managed for the last few years to prove, that 66 million years ago the Earth has faced an asteroid. Collision has begun the whole series of accidents and became the reason of disappearance of many kinds of live beings. The distinct boundary between secondary and tertiary the periods in history of catastrophe 98 the Earth was as a result generated. Collision has left a trace which is found out in set of areas, it is the three-millimetric layer containing a considerable quantity of iridium and osmium (the elements very seldom meeting in earth crust) and arisen owing to explosion of an asteroid and dispersion of weight of a matter of which it consisted. And in a layer space parts and the rests of soot from the burnt down woods contain. By means of isotope counters it is possible to track in this material of a consequence of sharp jump of temperature, effect of sudden evaporation, influence of a long-term eclipse of atmosphere etc.

Professor Tollmann has put forward a hypothesis, that the Earth has faced a comet However consequences of falling of such body could not capture all surface of the Earth, therefore the scientist asserts, that before collision with the Earth the comet has broken up to seven parts (in astronomy the phenomenon when comets share on some parts is known). That parts at this comet was seven, frequent repetition of this figure in cosmogonic myths (where, by the way, the comet always foretells accident) testifies

Places where these seven fragments of a comet have faced the Earth, Толлманны have defined, first, on the basis the legend about the red heated rains, and secondly, by the soil analysis in areas, where those-ktity found (glass окатыши a meteoric origin) — for example, in Australia and on islands of Indian ocean.

Seven blows about the Earth have caused earthquakes of unprecedented scale Many islands (including Atlantis) have left under water Has amplified volcanic activity. Forest fires Huge tsunami — formed as a result of sharp motions of earth crust high waves, moving with a speed of 400-800 km / hour and reaching at coasts of hundred-metre height have flared, — were rolled on continents there Have passed the strongest downpours sated with ashes and volcanic suffocating gases. The huge damage has been caused to an ozone layer of the Earth.

Hypothesis Толлманнов removes a flood in considerably more remote past, rather than scientists till now assumed. Collision with a comet, according to Толлманна, has occurred about 10 thousand years ago, and it has proved it, investigating тектиты by means of the counter of isotopes of carbon С14. According to its measurements, accident has burst 9520 years ago. In the ice core taken in Greenland from depth of 1390 m, the traces specifying in sudden occurrence in atmosphere of millions of tons of gases approximately 8630 years ago have remained. Studying of a dendrology scale (i.e. layers on cuts of the hardened trees which have started to grow about 11 thousand years ago) has allowed to establish, that the most appreciable deviation of indicator С-14 has occurred 9445 years ago: most likely, concussion has led to increase in quantity of extremely narrow annual rings (a consequence of damage of roots). The hardened tree trunk have taken from crater Кофельс in Austria, the small fragment which has arisen, most likely, owing to falling of a comet, uniformity of development of this tree was broke somewhere in 9440 year. Толлманны even have defined, that the accident caused by a flood has occurred on October, 23rd 9545 years ago, at three o'clock in the afternoon on Central European time. And as proof of the correctness they have presented both results geological research, and myths and legends.

Ancestors of Indians (according to the most widespread version, they have passed Bering strait at last stage of a glacial age when level of the World ocean was on some tens metres more low because continental glaciers have blocked a way to water weights) already lived in America during this period. By last estimations, the East Indian archipelagoes have been lived already 40 thousand years ago. Witnesses of a flood who managed to go through accident, having taken cover in high-mountainous caves, have created legends on terrible collision.

Толлманны specify, that original consequences of accident are resulted in that part of the bible Book of Life where the majestic picture of creation of world Толлманны is drawn see in it the image of slow revival of the Earth after accident: for this reason there it is told, that light has been created before the Sun, no less than the Earth, and that birds have appeared earlier, than continental animals. Differently, after collision of seven parts of a comet with the Earth light slowly came back, waters descended and there were continents. When atmosphere was cleared of a dust, a smoke and ashes, the Sun has looked out again, and later when atmosphere has become is even more transparent, stars became visible. From among animals inhabitants of the seas and a bird first of all have been named.

However we will notice, that Толлманны have too taken a great interest in synthesis: in their concept all without a detail exception — even the most remote from each other in time — are ideally co-ordinated.

First of all there is a question: whether really in the myths born in different corners of the Earth, the story about the same event which has occurred 9545 years ago contains? And whether it is impossible to assume, that we deal with the ustrashajushche-bright impressions postponed in memory human after local accidents: tornadoes, a tsunami, eruptions of volcanoes, earthquakes? At the same time it is not necessary to ignore conviction of ethnographers that the unwillingness to trust mythological legends is the limitation of reason caused by our self-confident rationalism.

The claims which have been put forward by geologists are serious. Anywhere on the Earth it is not revealed certificates of enormous flooding; it is difficult to assume, that scientists have not noticed traces послепотопных deposits in earth crust. After all they have found out results of influence later large цунами1 And whether still it is possible to assert with confidence, what mammoths were lost at a flood how it do Толлманны? Further ' if there was a serious deformation of an ozone layer it is in the destructive image would affect human skeletons In that case anthropologists necessarily should find out traces of influence ozone д^ыры, studying the dug out remains of the people living about 10 millenia ago, but their researches do not confirm hypothesis Толлманнов.

And nevertheless it is necessary to concern it with all gravity. It is a call, thrown to astronomers, meteorologists, anthropologists, archeologists, ethnographers, theologians and the military experts who are engaged in studying of consequences of extremely high explosions and computer games, modelling nuclear wars. These experts should is critical to consider a new hypothesis for she deserves that to Hasten it there is no place — as has counted up Чэпмен, the probability of repeated collision of our planet with a comet or an asteroid is very insignificant: 1: 1600, and chances of each of us to be lost at collision of the Earth with a comet in 25 times it is less, than at car accident …


Natural catastrophes: The ancient American civilisation was destroyed by natural cataclysms Existing 3 600 years ago

The ancient American civilisation was destroyed by natural cataclysms
Existing 3 600 years ago in territory of modern catastrophe insurance adjusting software Peru the civilisation, has disappeared as a result of natural cataclysms, the American scientists consider, informs referring to the Press

According to scientists, earthquake, flooding and sandy storms have destroyed everything, than there lived a civilisation Soup constructed one of the most ancient cities of America. During research, scientific have catastrophe emergency response team found out traces of several strongest earthquakes which not only have destroyed settlements of Indians, but also have led to displacement of soil layers that has led to falling of fertility of the earth.

And the found deposits of silt, testify to the flooding which have come in the stead to earthquakes and landslips. Then the Ale-nino — the global catastrophe dick morris atmosferno-oceanic phenomenon causing periodic change of a direction of winds and currents in Pacific ocean, — has brought incessant rains catastrophe antivirus which have destroyed irrigational system and have washed off the rests of houses.
Probably after all these catastrophe 98 natural phenomena, 3 600 years ago, the remained people have left to search for the new earths more cake catastrophe favorable for residing.

Natural catastrophes: Global change of a climate

According to the Australian scientists, the strongest acts of nature caused by global change of a climate, the next years can fall upon the countries of Asian-Pacific region.

Inhabitants of Indonesia, Philippines and China are exposed to the greatest danger. The increase in a population of a planet and temperature catastrophe insurance adjusting software of terrestrial atmosphere will promote strengthening of destroying power of hurricanes, a tsunami and earthquakes which, by estimations catastrophe emergency response team of researchers, can carry away lives of one million people.

The Australian scientists recommend to start creation of the specialised centre of preparation for extreme situations. State research organisation catastrophe dick morris Geoscience Australia has addressed with the corresponding offer to the prime minister of Australia catastrophe antivirus and the president of Indonesia.

Experts Geoscience Australia have analysed probability of acts of nature in the different countries of region and have counted up possible number of victims. So, in the Himalaya belt, China, Indonesia and on Philippines earthquakes, disastrous for one million person are possible. In Indonesia and catastrophe adjusters needed on Philippines the probability of eruptions of the volcanoes which victims risk also is high to become hundred thousand people. Low districts, for example, Bangladesh, can undergo to destructive influence of flooding and a tsunami.

Representative Geoscience Australia Alanna Simpson has told, that research of its colleagues is based on the analysis catastrophe 98 of data for last four hundred years. Besides that force of natural cataclysms has increased in itself, — their consequences can be more pitiable, than in the past, that the population of cake catastrophe potentially dangerous regions has essentially grown.

Natural catastrophes: Ancient continents - planet riddles

If to look at a card it is easily possible to notice surprising similarity of coastal lines of Africa and the South America, Australia and Africa, Australia and peninsula Hindustan - as though single whole splinters are taken away by unknown force and are separated by ocean open spaces...

Possibly, English philosopher Francis Bacon was the first who has paid attention to similarity of outlines of the western coast of catastrophe insurance adjusting software Africa and east coast of the South America. In 1620 it has published the supervision in the book catastrophe emergency response team, not having given it, however, any explanation. And in 1658 abbey F. Plase has stated a hypothesis that Old and New Light is no time were one catastrophe dick morris continent, but were divided after a Flood. This point of view has been accepted by the scientific world of Europe. And after two hundred years, in 1858, Italian Antonio Sinder-Pellegrini has tried to reconstruct catastrophe antivirus initial position of continents and has drawn a card where Afro-Amerika are united in one continent.

Definitively idea of "drift of continents" was formulated by German scientist Alfred Vegener, on a speciality - the meteorologist. In 1915, after five years of researches, it has published work under the name "the Origin of continents and oceans" in which on the basis of geological, geographical and paleontologic data has proved, that there is no time on the Earth there was only one, combined of granite breeds, continent to which Вегенер has entitled Пангея (from the Greek words "sir" - general and "Gay" - the Earth), and only one ocean Pantalassa ("таласса" in a Greek way - the sea). According to A.Vegenera, about 250-200 million years ago Пангея under the influence of force of rotation of the Earth has broken up into separate blocks, and the further action of rotational forces of the Earth "parted forcibly" them therefore these blocks combined from a granite "drifted" on more dense beds of a terrestrial cloak - to basalts.

"Wild imagination"! The sentence of the majority catastrophe adjusters needed of a scientific world to hypothesis Вегенера was that. According to opponents, moving of continental weights by a science is not fixed, Вегенер has not managed to explain the reasons of drift of continents and the nature of moving forces. In hope to find new proofs to the hypothesis, Вегенер in 1930 has gone to Greenland and was lost there...

... In forty years, on the Tokyo incorporated oceanographic assembly, the hypothesis of drift of continents has been officially catastrophe 98 recognised by the overwhelming majority of geologists and geophysicists of the world.

As have shown the latest researches, Вегенер it has appeared it is absolutely right. He has managed even precisely to name date of disintegration Пангеи - 225 million years ago. Originally Пангея has broken up to two supercontinents - Лавразию (northern) and Gondwana (southern) which have divided cake catastrophe uniform ocean Pantallassu into Pacific ocean and ocean Tetis. If the first exists till now Тетис was lost about 6-7 million years ago, and its rests today are Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral exhausting. The further crushing of continents, вызнанное rough tectonic processes, has led to occurrence of modern continents and oceans.

Whether and there were other continents - except nowadays existing?... "Young man Tea Вака has told:

- Our earth was the big country, very big country earlier. K-uukuu has asked it: - Why the country became small? Tea Вака has answered:

- On it has lowered staff Увоке. It has lowered the staff on district Ohiro. Waves have risen, and the country has become the small... "

This story of natives of Easter island, resulted in A.Kondratov's book "Riddle of Great ocean", some consider as indirect acknowledgement of the fact of present Pacific ocean existing on a place the victim millions years ago continent Patsifida. Its rests can be found out today in America, Australia, New Zealand and on Antarctica.

But why in memory of inhabitants of islands of Polynesia legends about left under water till now have remained more chilly? Why the same legends exist and about two other hypothetical continents - Atlantis and Арктиде?

It is not excluded, that process of destruction of ancient continents has come to the end rather recently and has remained in historical memory of mankind...

"The leader has noticed, that its earth slowly plunges into the sea. It has collected the servants, men and women, children and old men, and has planted them on two big boats. When they have reached horizon, the leader has seen, that all earth, except for its small part named Maori, has left under water".

Such stories the set is known, and they are written down not only on Easter island. By the way, the opinion that enormous constructions of Easter island - the civilisation rests, is no time existing on Пацифиде was repeatedly expressed. The known Soviet geologist academician V.A.Obruchev wrote in 1956: "It is possible to assert, that in a warm equatorial belt of the Earth mankind already when both околополярные areas have been still covered by snow and glaciers, has reached high cultural development, beautiful temples for deities were under construction; pyramids as tombs for tsars, and on Easter island were cake catastrophe erected stone statues for protection from any enemies. Also there is an interesting question: whether the destruction of other cultures and their constructions какойто has been caused by accident? It is necessary to recollect, that the glacial age which has created on the Earth in both subpolar belts huge weights of snow and ice, gradually weakened under the influence of the Sun and should cause some accidents".

In 1997 the American geologists have found out new traces Пацифиды. For a long time already it has been noticed, that some geological fragments of Alaska, California, Rocky mountains mismatch on the structure to structure of a structure of the American continent. The same atypical forms are in Australia, Antarctica and other continents adjoining Pacific ocean and islands.

These geological anomalies are connected with disintegration of southern supercontinent of Gondwana in which structure there is no time the South America, Australia, Antarctica, and also Hindustan and Madagascar entered Africa. One more part of this continent was Пацифида which has broken up to small fragments. Parts Пацифиды "were beat" by a wide fan to other continents. Geological researches have shown, that about hundred millions years ago to the western coast Northern and the South America - in areas of Alaska, California and Perus - have been attached large enough splinters Пацифиды. Other fragments Пацифиды have appeared flooded, and the part from them has incorporated to Australia, Antarctica and New Zealand.

Geologists consider, that Пацифида the first "has come off" ancient Gondwana, and disintegration Пацифиды was promoted by the active geological processes occurring on globe around present Pacific ocean about 150-100 million years ago. Researches lost Пацифиды throw light on problems of evolution and "drift" of continents, and also on the mechanism of occurrence of oceans.

Reading stone annals in hope to learn it is as much as possible about the past of the Earth, you soon will find out amazing things. For example, in the south of England there are deposits of sandstone which could be formed only in the conditions of hot deserted district. Fossil remains of tropical ferns have been found in Antarctica, and in Africa traces of a glacial cover are found out. Really during former times the climate so differed from the modern? During various geological epoch the climate of the Earth underwent numerous changes: in the past our world repeatedly became that more warmly, more coldly. There were even some so-called epoch of a freezing when from poles on extensive areas of the Earth huge glaciers and the whole continents approached appeared under a glacial cover. And nevertheless all these climatic changes were not so dramatic, as it is possible to assume on the basis of resulted above examples. The true explanation of all these riddles is even more paradoxical: It appears, continents at all always were there, where they now. Africa once settled down around the North Pole. India was nearby from Africa, and then has started to move to the north through equator while at last has not faced Asia.

Natural catastrophes: The wind

The wind, which speed reached 120 kilometres catastrophe insurance adjusting software per hour, brought down trees, broke roofs and catastrophe emergency response team broke wires. Victims of elements in India steels catastrophe dick morris of 12 persons. In coastal areas Bangladesh were lost not less than five persons.

Natural catastrophes: Earthquake of Kamchatka

Earthquake in magnitude 4,7 has occurred at coast of Kamchatka

Earthquake epicentre settled down in the catastrophe insurance adjusting software Avachinsky gulf on depth of 41 kilometres catastrophe emergency response team under a sea-bottom. Inhabitants of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka removed on 100 kilometres to the east from epicentre of seismic catastrophe dick morris event, have felt tremors as force 2 points.


Natural catastrophes: Earthquake in Macedonia

Earthquake in magnitude 5 has occurred in Macedonia

00:28 25/05/2009 Epicentre of earthquake was catastrophe insurance adjusting software in the country southeast, nearby to catastrophe emergency response team border with Greece, in 124 kilometres from Skopje and in 82 kilometres from Greek Салоник. On the same place on Sunday there catastrophe dick morris were at least three earthquakes in magnitude from 4,1 to 5,4. Victims were not.

Natural catastrophes: Volcano on Kamchatka

Volcano on Kamchatka has thrown out ashes column catastrophe insurance adjusting software on height of 4 km

14:18 23/05/2009 Most northern active volcano of Kamchatka - Шивелуч on Saturday has thrown out ashes column catastrophe emergency response team on height of an order of four kilometres, the representative of Institute of volcanology and seismology catastrophe dick morris has informed the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Natural catastrophes: Best catastrophes in history

Here information is collected about the most strong natural cataclysm happened on planet for the last two millennium.

1636 before o.e. - has occurred one of the the most strong eruptions a vulcan on greek island Santorin. Nearly whole island catastrophe insurance adjusting software literally burst so blackenning cloud ash, debris and dust has closed the sky on many kilometers around. Consider that this catastrophe could generate the myth about ruins Atlantidy.

I age

the February 16 63y. - an earthquake in Pompeyah (is described Seneca), for 16 years before ruin of the city as a catastrophe emergency response team result of eruptions Vezuviya.

79y. - an Eruption of the vulcan Vezuviy, destroyed city Pompei, Gerkulanum and Stabii.

IV age

the July 21 365y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Alexandria (Egypt). Perished 50 thous. person. Ruined famous 180-metre catastrophe dick morris Aleksandriyskiy lighthouse, former четвертым miraculously light.

XIII age

1201y. - an Earthquake in east catastrophe antivirus Sredizemnomorie.

the June 17 1281y. - a Typhoon has sunk the fleet Hubilay-khan, grandson CHingishana ready to march for conquest of catastrophe adjusters needed the Japan. From 3,5 thous. naves half will go to bottom.

XIV age

1341y. - an Earthquake covered, aside catastrophe 98 from Kryma, enormous area, at water Black epidemic deathes was flooded part of land.

XV age

1406y. - a Strong waterspout under Lower Novgorodom (Russia).

XVI age

the February 2 1556y. - an Earthquake in provinces SHanisi in Central China has carried away 820 thous. human lifes and was the cake catastrophe most devastating on amount of the victims for the whole history of the registered earthquakes.

XVII age

1632-1633yy. - shook the Iceland and Italy, eruption Vezuviya preceded six months of the unceasing earthquake.

the March 11 1669y. - has Occurred the eruption of the vulcan Aetna (the Italy). Perished 20 thous. person, on the other data, from 60 before 100 thous.. The Yard of the melted lava has buried 50 cities.

the June 7 1692y. - an Earthquake on Jamaica has destroyed the port a Port-Grand piano. Perished the two-thirds of the population - 1600 persons. The Wave цунами together with оползнями has washed off seaborne north part of city with all inhabitant.


1 November 1755y. - has Occurred Lissabonskoe earthquake, consisted of 500 underground pushes. Perished 50 thous. person, on the other source - 100 thousand. The Whole city together with priceless treasure art and monument of the epoch of the Enlightenment was ruined. Destructive power of the earthquake was felt on enormous territory, in Europe and North Africa particularly. There were victims in Luxembourg and Maroc.

the September 28 1759y. - On eye many eyewitness new vulcan Horullo was born in mexican staff Michoakan, changed since time in greater cone-shaped mountain.

the October 23 1766y. - has Occurred the eruption of the vulcan Mayon on island Luson (the Philippines). Perished more than 2 thous. person. The ash and lava threw For 2 months mountain.

April 24 1771y. - On japanese island Ishigaki was crushed цунами by height 85 m.

1 April 1793y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Japan, during which island Unsen with all 53 thous. inhabitants to disappeared in water epidemic deathes. The Earthquake has split the island fifty-fifty, has aroused to lifes vulcan, which afterwards burst.

the February 4 1797y. - an Earthquake in Ecuador nearly has completely destroyed the city Kito. Perished 40 thous. person - a big part of population of the city. The Earthquake has woke;waked two powerful vulcans: Kotopahi and CHimboraso.

XIX age

1811-1812yy. - occurred the cataclysms in USA, Venezuela, Indonesia, on Caribbean island.

the March 12 1812y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Venezuela, destroyed nine десятых city Karakas. 20 thous. person perished.

1 February 1814y. - has Occurred the eruption of the vulcan Mayon on island Luson (the Philippines). Perished more than 2200 persons.

the April 5 1815y. - an April 5-12 during eruption of the vulcan Tamboro (Tambora) on island Sumbava, Indonesia, perished nearly 4900 inhabitants. In air was thrown away, on aproximate count, 1,7 mln. tons debris. The Eruption has caused famous "year without summer".

the August 26 1833y. - 200 thous.. the persons perished at eruption of the vulcan Krakatau (Indonesia) from fire, melted lavas, falling cake catastrophe debris, ash and цунами, caused by blast and reached Natural catastrophes in height 36 m. Blasts were heard on distance 4 thous. km, but influence upon atmosphere gave about itself to know all over the world.

the March 21 1857y. - an Earthquake in Tokyo has caused the fires, разнесенные on the whole city циклонными winds, which velocity reached 100 km/ch. The Fires have enlarged the amount an погибших before 107 thous. person.

the December 16 1857y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Kalabrii (the Italy). Over 10 thous. person perished. The Integer to villages were a ruined оползнями, absorbed исполинскими rift, appeared on surfaces of the land.

the July 3 1863y. - has Occurred the earthquake, nearly completely destroyed Manilla (the Philippines). Perished nearly 1000 persons.

the August 13 1868y. - an Earthquake on border two countries - Ecuador and Peru - has carried away the lifes 25 thous. person.

the May 15 1875y. - an Earthquake in Kolumbii, длившееся whole 45 sek., has carried away the lifes 16 thous. person. Simultaneously with earthquake has occurred the eruption of the vulcan, located near by city Kukuto.

the April 3 1881y. - has Occurred the earthquake on island Scio in Egeyskom sea (Turciya). Perished 7 thous. person and 20 thous. have got the woundings.

the February 23 1887y. - an Earthquake, rolled on French and Italian Riviere, has carried away the lifes 2000 persons. The Push were felt far on north - in Switzerlands. The Shock wave of this earthquake, spread at the speed of before 800 km/ch, reached the coast USA. The Seismographs have noted the fluctuations in Washington even.

October 1887y. - a Flood in region Huaniani To (the China), as a result of bottling yard Huanhe (ZHyoltaya river).

the April 20 1888y. - a Strong hail in city Muradabad (the staff Utar-Pradesh, India).

the June 15 1896y. - Cunami, caused by earthquake on undersea crater Tuskarora beside seasides of the Japan, has carried away the lifes 28 thous. person. The Waves by height from 6 before 33 m at the speed of 800 km/ch were crushed on seaside by extent 160 km and else on 160 km poached on глубь land. Grohochuschie water have destroyed the groups of ten seaside city.

the May 30 1897y. - a waterspout "Irving" flashed by In USA (on name destroyed by him city on north Kansas). There was much wounded.

May 16 1898y. - On australian borough Iden (in russian translation - "Eden", paradise) пронесся water waterspout by height 1528 m and diameter 3 m.

1900y. - a Hurricane has completely destroyed the city Galveston, staff Texas, USA. For speedup of the reconstruction work is solved create as organ of power group from five accredited, which must proceed with its duty since 1901. Such structure authorities was preserved to is bolted by legislative act 1903, in which group is named "town commission" and is approved as town government.
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