
Natural catastrophes: Ancient continents - planet riddles

If to look at a card it is easily possible to notice surprising similarity of coastal lines of Africa and the South America, Australia and Africa, Australia and peninsula Hindustan - as though single whole splinters are taken away by unknown force and are separated by ocean open spaces...

Possibly, English philosopher Francis Bacon was the first who has paid attention to similarity of outlines of the western coast of catastrophe insurance adjusting software Africa and east coast of the South America. In 1620 it has published the supervision in the book catastrophe emergency response team, not having given it, however, any explanation. And in 1658 abbey F. Plase has stated a hypothesis that Old and New Light is no time were one catastrophe dick morris continent, but were divided after a Flood. This point of view has been accepted by the scientific world of Europe. And after two hundred years, in 1858, Italian Antonio Sinder-Pellegrini has tried to reconstruct catastrophe antivirus initial position of continents and has drawn a card where Afro-Amerika are united in one continent.

Definitively idea of "drift of continents" was formulated by German scientist Alfred Vegener, on a speciality - the meteorologist. In 1915, after five years of researches, it has published work under the name "the Origin of continents and oceans" in which on the basis of geological, geographical and paleontologic data has proved, that there is no time on the Earth there was only one, combined of granite breeds, continent to which Вегенер has entitled Пангея (from the Greek words "sir" - general and "Gay" - the Earth), and only one ocean Pantalassa ("таласса" in a Greek way - the sea). According to A.Vegenera, about 250-200 million years ago Пангея under the influence of force of rotation of the Earth has broken up into separate blocks, and the further action of rotational forces of the Earth "parted forcibly" them therefore these blocks combined from a granite "drifted" on more dense beds of a terrestrial cloak - to basalts.

"Wild imagination"! The sentence of the majority catastrophe adjusters needed of a scientific world to hypothesis Вегенера was that. According to opponents, moving of continental weights by a science is not fixed, Вегенер has not managed to explain the reasons of drift of continents and the nature of moving forces. In hope to find new proofs to the hypothesis, Вегенер in 1930 has gone to Greenland and was lost there...

... In forty years, on the Tokyo incorporated oceanographic assembly, the hypothesis of drift of continents has been officially catastrophe 98 recognised by the overwhelming majority of geologists and geophysicists of the world.

As have shown the latest researches, Вегенер it has appeared it is absolutely right. He has managed even precisely to name date of disintegration Пангеи - 225 million years ago. Originally Пангея has broken up to two supercontinents - Лавразию (northern) and Gondwana (southern) which have divided cake catastrophe uniform ocean Pantallassu into Pacific ocean and ocean Tetis. If the first exists till now Тетис was lost about 6-7 million years ago, and its rests today are Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral exhausting. The further crushing of continents, вызнанное rough tectonic processes, has led to occurrence of modern continents and oceans.

Whether and there were other continents - except nowadays existing?... "Young man Tea Вака has told:

- Our earth was the big country, very big country earlier. K-uukuu has asked it: - Why the country became small? Tea Вака has answered:

- On it has lowered staff Увоке. It has lowered the staff on district Ohiro. Waves have risen, and the country has become the small... "

This story of natives of Easter island, resulted in A.Kondratov's book "Riddle of Great ocean", some consider as indirect acknowledgement of the fact of present Pacific ocean existing on a place the victim millions years ago continent Patsifida. Its rests can be found out today in America, Australia, New Zealand and on Antarctica.

But why in memory of inhabitants of islands of Polynesia legends about left under water till now have remained more chilly? Why the same legends exist and about two other hypothetical continents - Atlantis and Арктиде?

It is not excluded, that process of destruction of ancient continents has come to the end rather recently and has remained in historical memory of mankind...

"The leader has noticed, that its earth slowly plunges into the sea. It has collected the servants, men and women, children and old men, and has planted them on two big boats. When they have reached horizon, the leader has seen, that all earth, except for its small part named Maori, has left under water".

Such stories the set is known, and they are written down not only on Easter island. By the way, the opinion that enormous constructions of Easter island - the civilisation rests, is no time existing on Пацифиде was repeatedly expressed. The known Soviet geologist academician V.A.Obruchev wrote in 1956: "It is possible to assert, that in a warm equatorial belt of the Earth mankind already when both околополярные areas have been still covered by snow and glaciers, has reached high cultural development, beautiful temples for deities were under construction; pyramids as tombs for tsars, and on Easter island were cake catastrophe erected stone statues for protection from any enemies. Also there is an interesting question: whether the destruction of other cultures and their constructions какойто has been caused by accident? It is necessary to recollect, that the glacial age which has created on the Earth in both subpolar belts huge weights of snow and ice, gradually weakened under the influence of the Sun and should cause some accidents".

In 1997 the American geologists have found out new traces Пацифиды. For a long time already it has been noticed, that some geological fragments of Alaska, California, Rocky mountains mismatch on the structure to structure of a structure of the American continent. The same atypical forms are in Australia, Antarctica and other continents adjoining Pacific ocean and islands.

These geological anomalies are connected with disintegration of southern supercontinent of Gondwana in which structure there is no time the South America, Australia, Antarctica, and also Hindustan and Madagascar entered Africa. One more part of this continent was Пацифида which has broken up to small fragments. Parts Пацифиды "were beat" by a wide fan to other continents. Geological researches have shown, that about hundred millions years ago to the western coast Northern and the South America - in areas of Alaska, California and Perus - have been attached large enough splinters Пацифиды. Other fragments Пацифиды have appeared flooded, and the part from them has incorporated to Australia, Antarctica and New Zealand.

Geologists consider, that Пацифида the first "has come off" ancient Gondwana, and disintegration Пацифиды was promoted by the active geological processes occurring on globe around present Pacific ocean about 150-100 million years ago. Researches lost Пацифиды throw light on problems of evolution and "drift" of continents, and also on the mechanism of occurrence of oceans.

Reading stone annals in hope to learn it is as much as possible about the past of the Earth, you soon will find out amazing things. For example, in the south of England there are deposits of sandstone which could be formed only in the conditions of hot deserted district. Fossil remains of tropical ferns have been found in Antarctica, and in Africa traces of a glacial cover are found out. Really during former times the climate so differed from the modern? During various geological epoch the climate of the Earth underwent numerous changes: in the past our world repeatedly became that more warmly, more coldly. There were even some so-called epoch of a freezing when from poles on extensive areas of the Earth huge glaciers and the whole continents approached appeared under a glacial cover. And nevertheless all these climatic changes were not so dramatic, as it is possible to assume on the basis of resulted above examples. The true explanation of all these riddles is even more paradoxical: It appears, continents at all always were there, where they now. Africa once settled down around the North Pole. India was nearby from Africa, and then has started to move to the north through equator while at last has not faced Asia.

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