
Natural catastrophes: Best catastrophes in history

Here information is collected about the most strong natural cataclysm happened on planet for the last two millennium.

1636 before o.e. - has occurred one of the the most strong eruptions a vulcan on greek island Santorin. Nearly whole island catastrophe insurance adjusting software literally burst so blackenning cloud ash, debris and dust has closed the sky on many kilometers around. Consider that this catastrophe could generate the myth about ruins Atlantidy.

I age

the February 16 63y. - an earthquake in Pompeyah (is described Seneca), for 16 years before ruin of the city as a catastrophe emergency response team result of eruptions Vezuviya.

79y. - an Eruption of the vulcan Vezuviy, destroyed city Pompei, Gerkulanum and Stabii.

IV age

the July 21 365y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Alexandria (Egypt). Perished 50 thous. person. Ruined famous 180-metre catastrophe dick morris Aleksandriyskiy lighthouse, former четвертым miraculously light.

XIII age

1201y. - an Earthquake in east catastrophe antivirus Sredizemnomorie.

the June 17 1281y. - a Typhoon has sunk the fleet Hubilay-khan, grandson CHingishana ready to march for conquest of catastrophe adjusters needed the Japan. From 3,5 thous. naves half will go to bottom.

XIV age

1341y. - an Earthquake covered, aside catastrophe 98 from Kryma, enormous area, at water Black epidemic deathes was flooded part of land.

XV age

1406y. - a Strong waterspout under Lower Novgorodom (Russia).

XVI age

the February 2 1556y. - an Earthquake in provinces SHanisi in Central China has carried away 820 thous. human lifes and was the cake catastrophe most devastating on amount of the victims for the whole history of the registered earthquakes.

XVII age

1632-1633yy. - shook the Iceland and Italy, eruption Vezuviya preceded six months of the unceasing earthquake.

the March 11 1669y. - has Occurred the eruption of the vulcan Aetna (the Italy). Perished 20 thous. person, on the other data, from 60 before 100 thous.. The Yard of the melted lava has buried 50 cities.

the June 7 1692y. - an Earthquake on Jamaica has destroyed the port a Port-Grand piano. Perished the two-thirds of the population - 1600 persons. The Wave цунами together with оползнями has washed off seaborne north part of city with all inhabitant.


1 November 1755y. - has Occurred Lissabonskoe earthquake, consisted of 500 underground pushes. Perished 50 thous. person, on the other source - 100 thousand. The Whole city together with priceless treasure art and monument of the epoch of the Enlightenment was ruined. Destructive power of the earthquake was felt on enormous territory, in Europe and North Africa particularly. There were victims in Luxembourg and Maroc.

the September 28 1759y. - On eye many eyewitness new vulcan Horullo was born in mexican staff Michoakan, changed since time in greater cone-shaped mountain.

the October 23 1766y. - has Occurred the eruption of the vulcan Mayon on island Luson (the Philippines). Perished more than 2 thous. person. The ash and lava threw For 2 months mountain.

April 24 1771y. - On japanese island Ishigaki was crushed цунами by height 85 m.

1 April 1793y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Japan, during which island Unsen with all 53 thous. inhabitants to disappeared in water epidemic deathes. The Earthquake has split the island fifty-fifty, has aroused to lifes vulcan, which afterwards burst.

the February 4 1797y. - an Earthquake in Ecuador nearly has completely destroyed the city Kito. Perished 40 thous. person - a big part of population of the city. The Earthquake has woke;waked two powerful vulcans: Kotopahi and CHimboraso.

XIX age

1811-1812yy. - occurred the cataclysms in USA, Venezuela, Indonesia, on Caribbean island.

the March 12 1812y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Venezuela, destroyed nine десятых city Karakas. 20 thous. person perished.

1 February 1814y. - has Occurred the eruption of the vulcan Mayon on island Luson (the Philippines). Perished more than 2200 persons.

the April 5 1815y. - an April 5-12 during eruption of the vulcan Tamboro (Tambora) on island Sumbava, Indonesia, perished nearly 4900 inhabitants. In air was thrown away, on aproximate count, 1,7 mln. tons debris. The Eruption has caused famous "year without summer".

the August 26 1833y. - 200 thous.. the persons perished at eruption of the vulcan Krakatau (Indonesia) from fire, melted lavas, falling cake catastrophe debris, ash and цунами, caused by blast and reached Natural catastrophes in height 36 m. Blasts were heard on distance 4 thous. km, but influence upon atmosphere gave about itself to know all over the world.

the March 21 1857y. - an Earthquake in Tokyo has caused the fires, разнесенные on the whole city циклонными winds, which velocity reached 100 km/ch. The Fires have enlarged the amount an погибших before 107 thous. person.

the December 16 1857y. - has Occurred the earthquake in Kalabrii (the Italy). Over 10 thous. person perished. The Integer to villages were a ruined оползнями, absorbed исполинскими rift, appeared on surfaces of the land.

the July 3 1863y. - has Occurred the earthquake, nearly completely destroyed Manilla (the Philippines). Perished nearly 1000 persons.

the August 13 1868y. - an Earthquake on border two countries - Ecuador and Peru - has carried away the lifes 25 thous. person.

the May 15 1875y. - an Earthquake in Kolumbii, длившееся whole 45 sek., has carried away the lifes 16 thous. person. Simultaneously with earthquake has occurred the eruption of the vulcan, located near by city Kukuto.

the April 3 1881y. - has Occurred the earthquake on island Scio in Egeyskom sea (Turciya). Perished 7 thous. person and 20 thous. have got the woundings.

the February 23 1887y. - an Earthquake, rolled on French and Italian Riviere, has carried away the lifes 2000 persons. The Push were felt far on north - in Switzerlands. The Shock wave of this earthquake, spread at the speed of before 800 km/ch, reached the coast USA. The Seismographs have noted the fluctuations in Washington even.

October 1887y. - a Flood in region Huaniani To (the China), as a result of bottling yard Huanhe (ZHyoltaya river).

the April 20 1888y. - a Strong hail in city Muradabad (the staff Utar-Pradesh, India).

the June 15 1896y. - Cunami, caused by earthquake on undersea crater Tuskarora beside seasides of the Japan, has carried away the lifes 28 thous. person. The Waves by height from 6 before 33 m at the speed of 800 km/ch were crushed on seaside by extent 160 km and else on 160 km poached on глубь land. Grohochuschie water have destroyed the groups of ten seaside city.

the May 30 1897y. - a waterspout "Irving" flashed by In USA (on name destroyed by him city on north Kansas). There was much wounded.

May 16 1898y. - On australian borough Iden (in russian translation - "Eden", paradise) пронесся water waterspout by height 1528 m and diameter 3 m.

1900y. - a Hurricane has completely destroyed the city Galveston, staff Texas, USA. For speedup of the reconstruction work is solved create as organ of power group from five accredited, which must proceed with its duty since 1901. Such structure authorities was preserved to is bolted by legislative act 1903, in which group is named "town commission" and is approved as town government.

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